10 Christmas desserts

Zu Weihnachten gehören neben schön geschmückten Tannenbäumen auch leckere, weihnachtliche Desserts. (Photo by Jonathan Chng on Unsplash)
Christmas includes not only beautifully decorated fir trees, but also delicious, Christmas desserts.
(Photo by Jonathan Chng on Unsplash)

Desserts are the crowning glory of each Feast. I would like to give you a few suggestions here on how to make your own ice cream for Christmas and shine in front of your family - completely without ice cream machine.

Of course, very many different of my ice cream recipes are suitable for a delicious dessert. I would like to give you in the first part Recipes introduce themselves have well prepared. For this purpose, they are placed in Glasses or in a big shape frozen. Preparations can be completed the day before.

The second part is about Sorbets and granitas, which should be prepared on the same day, but are very limited in terms of effort. You should bring a little time every half hour for a few recipes to be able to go through them briefly.

On the feast day, put the ice cream dessert in the refrigerator at the end of the menu to reach the right eating temperature. Then only decorate and you are ready to serve.

1. christmas desserts in glass

All the following recipes are without ice cream machine manufactured. Of which all are Parfaits, except for the basil ice cream. This means that the egg yolk-sugar-cream mixture develops such a consistency when frozen that it develops a slightly crystalline structure. This is intentional and adds its own unique charm. The following recipes should be partly already prepared the day before so that they can freeze through properly.

Speculoos parfait

Speculoos parfait is probably a classic among Christmas desserts. The taste immediately puts you in a festive mood. With Speculoos cookies as intermediate layers and the hot cherries creates a beautiful contrast. The dessert can be prepared with or without alcohol.

Spekulatius-Parfait mit heißen Kirschen, Schokobäumen und Spekulatiuskeks.
Speculoos parfait with hot cherries, chocolate trees and speculaas cookie.

Tiramisu parfait

This time the dessert classic as ice cream. I like to use homemade sponge cake as an intermediate layer for the Tiramisu parfait. If you want it faster, you can just use ladyfingers. For the recipe you need Amaretto and of course Coffee like.

Tiramisu-Parfait mit Biskuitstern und viel Kakao.
Tiramisu parfait with sponge star and lots of cocoa.

Marzipan parfait

If you like marzipan, you will love this parfait. I prefer to use amaretto for flavoring. If you want to keep it alcohol-free, you can also use bitter almond oil for the Marzipan parfait use. Amarettini provide a nice crunch effect.

Marzipan-Parfait mit Amarettini dekoriert.
Marzipan parfait decorated with amarettini.

Basil ice cream (vegan)

This is a very special Recipewhich is also well suited as a Christmas dessert. Because the consistency is reminiscent of a frozen mousse. So loose light and at the same time melting on the tongue. The basil provides a fresh touch and can be well combined with red berries or a chocolate ice cream (can be made very easily in parallel). Overall a really easy to implement, vegan Recipe with maximum effect.

Veganes Basilikum-Eis mit Schokoladen-Eis ergibt mal ein anderes weihnachtliches Dessert.
Vegan basil ice cream with chocolate ice cream makes a different Christmas dessert.

Tonka bean parfait with berries

The tonka bean has a very own Taste of vanilla and caramel. In combination with red berries a special eye-catcher on the holiday table. For this fit perfectly caramelized nuts. The Tonka bean parfait can be prepared very well.

Parfait recipe to modify

Here you can find my Basic recipe for parfait. You can easily make the recipe with cocoa to Chocolate parfait or with gingerbread spice to Gingerbread parfait make. All possible additions like Vanilla, Cinnamon, Baileys and much more are suitable for Flavouring.

Mein Parfait-Rezept kann mit allen möglichen Geschmacksrichtungen aromatisiert werden. Hier seht ihr eine Kombination aus Schokoladensoße, Vanille- und Schoko-Parfait mit Kakaosplittern.
My Parfait recipe can be flavored with all kinds of flavors. Here you can see a combination of Chocolate sauce, vanilla and chocolate parfait with cocoa chips.

2. extraordinary christmas desserts

Most of my recipes can be made with the Freezer Method make. This means that the ice cream mass is mixed well with a hand mixer every half hour for about 4 hours. Of course, the ice cream will not be as creamy as in an ice cream machine, but it is still very tasty. Especially well works the For sorbets. At Granitas you are allowed to punch through even only with a Fork make, since the goal here is to create larger ice crystals. Below I show you some Christmas desserts that are A little more fancy and are sure to go down well with your guests. These recipes should on the same day be made. Otherwise, after a night in the freezer, they become too hard.

Melon sorbet (vegan)

Melon ice cream is really easy to make and pretty arranged in the melon bowl it is a real highlight. If you want, you can add a second type of ice cream in the middle for contrast. I have Pineapple Mint Sorbet used. Sprinkled with white chocolate it looks especially pretty. When you fill the ice cream into the melon bowl, it should freeze for about 2 hours so that it can be cut well.

Melonen-Eis in der Melonenschale serviert. In der Mitte befindet sich Ananas-Minze-Sorbet. Die weißen Schokoladenraspel sehen fast wie Schnee aus.
Melon ice cream served in the melon bowl. In the middle is Pineapple Mint Sorbet. The white chocolate chips look almost like snow.

Mulled wine ice cream (vegan)

This is a granita with even much less stirring than usual. The Mulled wine ice cream is depending on the quantity after about 3 hours in the freezer stir well once with a fork to create larger ice crystals. Through the High alcohol content the mass does not freeze through so hard and it is enough to loosen it up once at the end with a fork. This recipe really gets down to business in terms of alcohol. So be warned. Before serving, loosen the granita again well with a fork.

Glühwein-Eis ist sehr einfach in der Herstellung, aber auch hochprozentig.
Mulled wine ice cream is very simple to produce, but also high percentage.

Cucumber ice cream with mint (vegan)

Some people find cucumbers boring, but you will surely change your mind after this vegan recipe. This is a Granita. So it is very easy to make. Who has enough of all the sweet stuff at Christmas time, lies with this refreshing Cucumber ice cream just right. It will also Ginger, Mint and Coconut blossom sugar used. Before serving, mix the granita again well.

Veganes Gurken-Eis mit Minze und Ingwer ist herrlich erfrischend und ein leichter Abschluss eines jeden Menüs.
Vegan Cucumber ice cream with mint and ginger is wonderfully refreshing and a light ending to any menu.

Apple sorbet with celery (vegan)

Also the Apple sorbet with celery brings a fresh touch to the Christmas menu. Before serving, mix the apple sorbet well once again. To arrange, you can cut out a slice of apple with a Christmas motif and place in it, for example, a quick-to-make Raspberry or strawberry sauce drizzle.

Apfel-Sorbet mit Erdbeer-Sorbet, das auch durch Erdbeer-Sauce ersetzt werden kann. Bei der Ausstechform für die Apfelscheibe nehmt ihr einfach eine Plätzchenform.
Apple sorbet with Strawberry Sorbet, which is also due to Strawberry sauce can be replaced. For the apple slice cookie cutter, simply use a cookie cutter.

I hope you have a Inspiration for your Christmas dessert received. I wish you a wonderful Christmas time together with your loved ones.

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