Parfait recipe: creamy ice cream without ice cream machine

If you don't have an ice cream machine at home and you like cream ice cream, try making parfait. It is really easy to prepare and after 6 hours you will have your ice cream ready.

Geschichtetes Vanille-Schokoladen-Parfait dekoriert mit Kakao-Splitter.
Layered vanilla chocolate parfait decorated with cocoa chips.

Parfait recipes consist mainly of Egg yolk, sugar and cream. The proportion of cream is very large, which creates a mousse-like consistency that is exceptionally tasty. Hence the name "Parfait" from the French for "perfect".

The ice mass is frozen without stirring. The resulting fine crystalline structure is characteristic and so desired. The high proportion of eggs and cream ensures that the ice cream is not too solid and forms only fine crystals.

At the Modification of the parfait recipe with fruits, nuts, cookies, fruit sauces and spices, the imagination knows no bounds.

But first, let's talk about making the base mixture and the process. I use a little milk to make the parfait recipe a touch lighter and to better heat the egg-sugar mixture without it curdling.

Ingredients of the basic recipe for parfait

for approx. 6 servings

  • 3 egg yolks
  • 75 g sugar
  • 100 g milk
  • 300 g cream
  • Optional: vanilla, cocoa powder, amaretto or whatever else you can think of (see. Tips)


  • Put the eggs and sugar in a saucepan and mix well with a whisk
Für das Parfait wird nur das Eigelb verwendet.
For the parfait only the egg yolk is used.
Den Zucker zu den Eigelb hinzugeben.
Add the sugar to the egg yolks.
Eier und Zucker mit einem Schneebesen schaumig schlagen.
Beat the eggs and sugar with a whisk until foamy.
  • Add the milk and heat slowly, stirring, to a maximum of 65°C.
Milch hinzugeben und unter Rühren erhitzen.
Add milk and heat while stirring.
  • Using a thermometer, check the temperature and stir the mixture at 65°C for about 15 minutes.
Die Masse muss ständig und gründlich gerührt werden, sonst gerinnt das Eigelb.
The mass must be constantly and thoroughly stirred, otherwise the egg yolk will curdle.
  • If you want to flavour the mass, e.g. with vanilla, now is the right time (see also tips).
  • Let cool and in the meantime whip the cream until stiff.
Die Sahne so steif schlagen, dass sie fest ist und ihre Form behält.
Whip the cream until it is firm and keeps its shape.
  • Using a hand mixer, whip the egg mixture into a cream as well.
Die abgekühlte Eimasse mit einem Handrührgerät cremig schlagen.
Beat the cooled egg mixture until creamy with a hand mixer.
  • Fold the whipped cream into the egg cream.
  • If you want to add fruit to the parfait, fold it in carefully.
  • Line a baking dish or bowl with plastic wrap.
Eine ausreichend große Form mit Frischhaltefolie auskleiden.
Line a sufficiently large mould with cling film.
  • Pour the mixture into the mold and freeze overnight or for at least 6 hours.
Die Parfaitmasse in die Form geben und im Gefrierfach mindestens 6 Stunden einfrieren.
Pour the parfait mixture into the mould and freeze in the freezer for at least 6 hours.

Before consumption the parfait should be about 20 minutes in the refrigerator to get the right temperature.

Then the Form briefly in warm water and turn the parfait out onto a plate. Remove the foil and decorate with toppings, sauces or fruit as desired.


  • Is it a larger or very rigid shapethe wall should first be covered with Cooking oil brushed and only then insert the foil. Then the parfait can be more easily overturned.
  • To Flavouring of the parfait you need per recipe e.g. 1/2 vanilla bean, 1-2 tablespoons cocoa powder, 1-2 tablespoons amaretto or similar.


  1. That looks sooo delicious!
    Thank you very much for the great recipe and the good tips.
    I find the step by step instructions with the many photos very helpful.

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