Vegan orange ice cream - especially delicious with blood orange

This is an example of the variation of the basic recipe from the article Making vegan ice cream the easy way. I made this ice cream with blood oranges, hence the beautiful red coloring. The soy products make the ice cream completely without animal products.

Veganes Blutorangeneis dekoriert mit Blutorangenscheibe.
Vegan blood orange ice cream with beautiful red coloring


2 portions

500 g oranges
100 g raw cane sugar
100 ml water
30 g soya cream (approx. 15% fat content)
300 ml soya drink
1 Msp vanilla
Splash of lemon juice

Rohrohrzucker, Blutorangen, Vanille, Soja-Creme und Sojatrunk sind die Hauptzutaten
The main ingredients are raw cane sugar, blood oranges, vanilla, soy cream and soy drink

Preparation of vegan orange ice cream

  • Dissolve sugar with water in a pot with some heat.
  • Scrape out a small piece (1-2 cm) of the vanilla bean and stir in.
  • Stir in the soy cream with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Peel the orange. Remove the white peel residues as thoroughly as possible and cut the oranges roughly into pieces.
  • Then puree the sugar mixture together with the oranges, soy drink and lemon juice in a blender.
  • If you don't like the slightly bitter taste of the white orange peel, pass the mixture through a fine sieve.
  • Allow the ice cream mixture to cool in the refrigerator.
  • Freeze in the ice cream maker (about 30 minutes) or in the freezer every 30 minutes, stirring well with a mixer (about 4 h in total).
Rötliche Eismasse bevor sie in die Eismaschine gegeben wird
Ice mass before it is put into the ice cream machine

If you keep the vegan orange ice cream longer in the freezer, it becomes very hard. Therefore, you should let it thaw in the refrigerator for about 30-50 minutes before eating.

Things to know about oranges

  • Ripe oranges can be recognized mainly by their fruity smell. If they are also fresh, they yield slightly under pressure, but are still firm.
  • Older oranges may already have a somewhat musty odor and give way noticeably under pressure.
  • If an orange does not yield at all under pressure, it is usually already dry inside. You should avoid these.
  • It is best to buy small to medium sized fruits as they are often more aromatic.
  • Oranges should be stored in a cool, dry place, for example wrapped in a kitchen towel in the crisper.
  • If the oranges still need to ripen, then it is best to store them at room temperature together with apples.
  • If you have bought organic oranges, you can use the peel for various purposes. I usually dry them cut into small pieces at room temperature and use them for teas.

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